Founding Member/Lead Collaborator
William is an actor, director, playwright, and performance artist based in Philadelphia, PA currently pursuing his MFA in Devised Performance at Pig Iron Theatre Company/University of the Arts. He has worked with Very Good Dance Theatre for almost three years. William directed The First Annual Gay Show—a physical dance theatre beauty pageant extravaganza—a hit success at the Festival of Independent Theatres, being awarded Best Physical Theatre of 2019 by Theater Jones. He has performed in Elephant Antonyms at FIT Underground in Dallas, TX, Bedtime Stories at the 254 Festival in Waco, TX and a virtual performance of Plant Mom with FIT in Dallas, TX.
As a queer performing artist, William is very grateful to be a collaborator with VGDT. He wishes to continue exploring what it means to be a queer artist, how to queer artistry, and why queer art is crucial for today’s society.
William in Plant Mom.